My One Word Journey: March

My One Word Journey: March

Each month I share highlights from My One Word Journal. My Word for the year is BECOME. 
Here is what my March journey has looked like so far.
My month started with these two scriptures that have set the tone for this time.
Psalms 24:7-10 TPT
So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you doorways of eternity! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you.
You ask, "Who is this King of Glory? " Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, Yahweh, invincible in every way!
So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you eternal doors! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in.
You ask, "Who is this King of Glory?" He is Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, The Mighty One, The invincible commander of heaven's host! Yes, he is the King of Glory!
Isaiah 22:22 KJV
And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder;
so he shall open, and none shall shut;
and he shall shut, and none shall open.

Highlights from my notes:

  •  Notes from TPT on verse 7: God's people are identified as living gates and doorways. When God opens the door of eternity within us, no one is able to shut them. To "lift up" our heads is a figure of speech for a bold confidence that brings rejoicing and hope.
  •  God put things inside of you that were meant to be shared. Sharing that skill, knowledge, or gifting can be what someone else is looking for and may lead to provision and new doors to open for you.
  •  Quite your mind. The Holy Spirit will give you open doors of wisdom and understanding to the treasures within you. Walk through the open doors using the strategies God has given.
  • BECOME a King who goes to battle and takes new territory. Prepare for war, then fight until you have victory and see His promises for your life manifested. Spring is the season when Kings go to battle (2 Sam. 11:1). Possess the land promised to me, lengthen my cords and strengthen my stakes. War with God's Word in my mouth. I am anointed for this battle, for His anointing makes me strong and mighty. He empowers my life for triumph by pouring fresh oil over me. Even in my old age, I will still have plenty of oil.
"Divine surprises and doors are coming. Jesus is your doorkeeper. This is a year of important doors opening and wrong doors slamming shut. Don't feel sad at the shut doors, but look up to Jesus. He is excited, trying to get your attention with the NEW open door!" 
Mariel Villarreal
"Living in a new place of loving ourselves opens doors for the occupancy of dreams, hopes, and possibilities. Making opportunities happen no longer becomes our driving force. Our expectations move onto God, who can do more through our lives than we could ever dream or imagine." 
Graham Cooke


"The atmosphere of expectation is the breeding ground of Miracles. So, what are you expecting?" Rodney Howard Browne


Art Journaling Page:

This is becoming my favorite page in my journal.  It always surprises me.  God is leading me to explore this more.  This page also is giving me a visual vocal point as I pray, which is new for me.



Action Plan:

Watch for open doors and walk through them. Doors of wisdom and understanding will lead to doors of opportunity.

  • Continue Love, Linger, Listen, Light, & Laugh that started last month. Then I will see the doors I need to open and what doors I need to shut.
  • Open doors of creativity:
    •  practice creativity exercises
    •  Intuitive Art Journaling classes with Sam Lidford
    •  learn more about prophetic art (Matt Tommey?)
    •  Read Creative Glory by Joshua Mills
  • Set my expectation for each day as a privileged daughter of a loving father. Pick a truth and start my day with it. Ask God: what truth do you have for me today?
  • Watch for doors to open for new opportunities to give, then do it!
  • Set a time to war: BECOME a king who goes to battle and takes new territory.


My Celebration:

Plan and take a 3-day personal retreat, April 1-3.


My Favorite Steps & Review

  • An editing session reinforced BECOMING humble, teachable, and courageous.
  • Family tragedy allowed me to BECOME peace and encouragement to those that are hurting.
  • Art journaling class encouraged me to BECOME more adventurous and think outside my box. Understanding can come from outside of the "Christian" arena. Stepping outside of this box is becomes a door of opportunity to share God's love.


I have noticed a progression occurring as each month builds on the last. I'm looking forward to what comes next!


How is your One Word journey progressing?  What surprises has God had for you this month?



Click Here to get your copy of My One Word Journal

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Oh Jodee, it’s a blessing to witness the transformation in you as the year progresses.

Barb Hegreberg

It’s always a joy to see these highlights from your journal. I love how you journey with your word. You and the Lord are making the most of BECOME!

Lisa notes

Jodee, this is so FULL of wonderful aspects of your word for 2022. I love the inviting doorway right at the top, and it just gets better and better. The art page, the journal, the huge variety from which to explore "become’ is really fine. I am so grateful that I am a neighbor at Lisa’s linkup today. And may your sweet retreat be just that…SWEET! Caring through Christ, ~ linda @ Being Woven

~ linda

I so appreciate the encouragement of Psalm 24! Thank you for sharing the Grahm Cooke quote. Enjoy your personal retreat in April!

Lisa Blair

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