Welcome, I'm so glad you stopped by!

Are you aware God thinks you are delightful?
God not only loves you but He likes you and takes great pleasure in being with you. His greatest desire is that you would fellowship with Him and live a delightful, abundant life.
Living a delightful life is what we all want.
And we have days, hours and minutes that are just that - delightful! The sun is shining the birds are singing and things are going our way. But we also have those days when things aren't so delightful. We may have just an ordinary day. Other times, life takes a wrong turn or we mess up. We are not sure if God is still with us, and wonder how God can like us, let alone be delighted in us.
Living a delightful life is a journey of learning, practicing and sharing. The ups and downs, highs and lows and everything in between; it is all part of that journey. jodelights! is here to encourage and share in that journey.

In the blog, You'll find a variety of topics, encouraging words, recipes, project ideas and more. Anything that has to do with living a delightful life with our Lord Jesus is fair game. I try to convey the heart of the Lord, His delight in you and what I hear Him saying. I also share my delight in what He is doing in my life. I encourage you to share the delightful life you are living by commenting or sending an email.
In the gift shop you will faith based and inspirational items. The items in my store are selected to help you practice delight and share delight, whether it is a gift for you or someone you know.
So grab a mug of coffee, sit back and explore jodelights!
Check out the latest blog and browse in the shop Leave me you e-mail so we can share in learning to live a more delightful life together. I look forward to meeting you!
A bit about my delightful life:
The name jodelights! comes from combining my nickname and delight: Jo delights the Lord and Jo delights in the Lord.
- My passion is for you to truly understand that God is delighted in you, right here right now, no matter what circumstances you are in. He loves you, He likes you, and you give Him great pleasure.
- Atelier 54 is the name of my sewing studio. Atelier is a word for artistic workshop; 5 is the number of grace, 4 is the number for creation. 5 + 4 = 9 the number for completion. So Atelier 54 is "My artistic workspace where there is grace for creative works, completed for Gods purpose". You can find out what is happening there at Atelier 54 blog.
- 60+ years old. God promised I would have Sassy Sixties-lively, bold, audacious, vibrant, stylish and a little feisty
- Married 20+ years to the love of my life, Steve. God blessed me with a man who supports me 100%, loves to cook and do dishes! How awesome is that?!
- Mother of 3, plus a daughter-in-law -- no grandchildren yet
- I was a stay at home mom, sold Tupperware and Mary Kay, owned a candy shop and was a manager for 25 year at Hancock Fabrics I now work from home as a writer, designer, and creator of jodelights!
- My best days start with coffee and prayer
- I am convinced that chocolate is a necessary food group
- I like sewing, quilting, cooking, gardening and repurposing stuff,
- I dream of making enough money with this for Steve and I to retire in style.
- I never wrote anything until God asked me to write a blog.
- God has been with me through every delightful and not so delightful day. I can't imagine not having him in my life.
- Favorite Scripture: Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
My Prayer for you: I thank God for you—every time I pray, I’d think of you and give thanks. But I do more than thank. I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength! Ephesians 1:16-19 MSG