Sneak Peek at my One Word Journal

Sneak Peek at my One Word Journal

 My One Word Journal

For the last several months, I have been working on a project called, My One Word Journal and, it is finally done! I received my copy and have started preparing it to use for 2022. I thought I would share a few pages of it with you today. I'm really excited about how well it is working, and I know it will be a significant asset to keep me on track with my word next year.

If you follow me, you know I choose one word to focus on for the year. I usually get that word during the Hebrew New Year in September, and this year was no different. During my personal retreat in September (you can read about that here), the Lord gave me my word: BECOME.


For 2021 my word is FOCUS. So this month, I am focusing on finding out what I am to BECOME. Kim Clement sang a song called, Somewhere in the Future. There is a line that says, "You're somewhere in the future, and you look much better than you look right now!" I felt the Lord encouraging me to look into the future with Him and see what I look like. Then during 2022, we will start taking the steps I need to take to become what He shows me.

My One Word Journal Quote page

During my retreat, He gave me a tagline, In Becoming, She BECAME. In becoming a retail store manager, you had to train and learn about the business, then you became a manager. In learning to blog and doing it, you became a blogger. As you step into what the Lord is showing you to do, you will become what He has shown you. Be brave and determined, get ready for an adventure, and let's take this journey together.

As I was trying to wrap my head around all that, I received my draft copy of MY One Word Journal. After reviewing it and making a few minor adjustments, I went shopping. I was eager to get started! I splurged on some washi tape and stickers, grabbed my scissors and glue stick, and did my pocket page. I'm always writing on bits of paper, finding a picture or card that goes with my word, then promptly losing it. I added a pocket page so I could keep it all together. I'll see if one is enough. If not, I'll add more to the book next year.

My One Word Journal pocket page

I started with looking up the definition of the word and finding scriptures that pertained to my word. I'm just getting started with these.

My One Word Journal definitions page

Then, I grabbed some old magazines and started on my vision board.
I didn't find everything I wanted, so I found some pictures online and printed them to use.
It turned out to be more of an inspirational scrapbook-type page than an actual vision board, and I think I went a little overboard with the stickers. But I still like it. As my vision becomes more defined, I can change it, use a monthly doodle page, or add pages and keep them in the pocket.

My One Word Journal vision pages

I haven't started the action page yet.  I'm praying I will receive what action steps I will take as the vision of "BECOME" is clearer.

I created this journal for me, but I believe you will enjoy it also.  These also make a great Christmas gift for your friends who choose one word instead of setting New Year's resolutions.

I’ll be sharing more about my word and pages from my journal during the upcoming year. I hope you will share some of your Words inspiration with me also.

A new adventure awaits with your word for 2022!  Get this journal to keep a record of your journey with the Lord.  You will be able to look back and see the amazing things He did with you.

Click here to order.

My One Word Journal

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Lovely l am new to journaling. You have inspired me.



Do you have this in a printable format? Or is available for purchase somewhere?

Barb Hegreberg

This is so inspiring, Jodee!

Lisa Blair

Very well done! I will take a tip from you and add a pocket to my journal for all my notes that I also tend to misplace or lose. Thank you for sharing!

Denise Maryott

This looks fantastic, Jodee!

Corinne Rodrigues

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