What do You Find Fascinating?

What do You Find Fascinating?

Today's Prompt:  Fascinating

What do you find fascinating? 

  Watching the snow fall and cover the ground?

      Seeing flames dancing in a fireplace?

         The birds splashing in a birdbath?

            Watching your pet play?

                A new boyfriend?

                        Your children?

When we find something fascinating, it commands our attention.  We can gaze upon it for minutes to hours at a time.  Some people are fascinated by YouTube videos and Facebook. I can get lost on Pinterest for hours. Time spent with our loved ones can consume our minds.  We go over how they looked, what they said, and what they were doing.  When babies are born, we spend hours just looking at them.  Even old lovers will spend minutes gazing into each other's eyes, still fascinated by the love they see. 

  Old couple in love

One of the definitions of fascinate is to be held spellbound by an irresistible power. There is no more irresistible power than our Lord! We read in His Word what he has said and what He has done.  

One place in the Word gives a perfect description of God.  It is found in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 and describes love.  We know from 1 John 4:8 that God is love.  Love is not only something He does, it is who He is.  Set aside some time each day to be fascinated with God.

1 John 4:8 also says we can love because He first loved us. When we choose to love, we become fascinating to our Father and those around us.  Stories of people who choose to love are so fascinating that the news will report them!  That is the light shining through us to a lost and weary world. 

I encourage you to be fascinating…CHOOSE LOVE!

New Printable:  I Choose Love. 

8.5 x 11 or 4 x 6 PDF

FREE- click here or on the picture above

**This post is part of the #write28days Challenge, writing and posting EVERY DAY in February

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I love your prompt to consider what I find fascinating. God’s creation is at the top. I am featuring your post on my Grace & Truth Pinterest Board. Thank you for participating in our link-up. Maree

Maree Dee

It’s so true that we gaze upon what and who we desire! Knowing that God loves us and finds us fascinating gives us so much of hope and encouragement to live the best life we can!

Corinne Rodrigues

thanks for this nudge to keep our eyes on what’s true and lovely, excellent and praiseworthy! truly fascinating.

Linda Stoll

Amen! May I always choose love! (And I’m totally fascinated by my babies and grand babies. I definitely could have stared at them for hours!)

Jerralea Winn Miller

The first two things you listed as fascinating I have marveled at just this week! Thank you for linking up with Grace and Truth.

Lauren Renee Sparks

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