A Scarlet Tangier Brings a Message of Hope

A Scarlet Tangier Brings a Message of Hope

Scarlet Tangier


This spring, we had a new visitor to our yard, a Scarlet Tangier.  I had never seen one and had to look it up to find out what kind of bird it was. Here is what I found in All About Birds.

Male Scarlet Tanagers are among the most blindingly gorgeous birds in an eastern forest in summer, with blood-red bodies set off by jet-black wings and tail. They’re also one of the most frustratingly hard to find as they stay high in the forest canopy singing rich, burry songs. The yellowish-green, dark-winged females can be even harder to spot until you key in on this bird’s chick-burr call note. In fall, males trade red feathers for yellow-green and the birds take off for northern South America. 
From <https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Scarlet_Tanager/overview>

It was one of the most beautiful birds I've seen. I was so blessed that God leads this bird to rest in our yard for a couple of weeks.  As I admired it, it dawned on me that the beauty was enhanced by the contrast of the red and black.  I was lead to read Isiah 60 and realized God was using this bird to speak to me.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
 See, darkness covers the earth
    and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
    and his glory appears over you.
 Nations will come to your light,
    and kings to the brightness of your dawn. 
From <https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+60&version=NIV>

Contrast brings out the beauty

All About Birds describes the Scarlet Tangiers coloring as blood-red and jet black.   The red stands out because of the black contrasting it.  This is being reflected in the world around us today.  As thick darkness is over the people, the contrast of God's glory will shine ever brighter.  The darker our world becomes, the more beautiful the blood of Jesus appears.

Because of the blood, we have victory for every situation. Its power provides us with redemption, healing, and protection. Because of the blood, we can fellowship with the Father and come boldly to His throne of grace for direction and insight. It is the blood of Jesus that gives us authority over all the works of the enemy. Revelation 12:11 says we overcome and conquer the enemy because of the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.  

You, my friend, have the solution to every challenge the is facing our world. As a believer, you wield the power of the blood of Jesus. Your words are infused with the very power of the creator of the universe.  Plead the blood of Jesus over your family, city, and nation. Open your mouth and boldly declare the blood of Jesus overcomes and conquers anything the enemy comes against you with. Then as you see that power work, you testify. That is how kings and nations will come to light. That is how your family and neighbors will be drawn to the brightness of your dawn. That is how the last great harvest of souls will be swept into the kingdom.

The Scarlet Tangier is a little bird who stopped by to deliver a powerful message of hope.  The darker it gets, the brighter the blood of Jesus shines.  Its power overcomes any darkness.

My testimony: The blood of the Lamb provides protection!

As I was writing this, Steve yelled for me to come outside. The effects of tropical storm Cristobal have arrived. High winds blew a down a dead branch from the tree just outside the porch. It landed and fell in the yard, barely missing the garden, truck, and house. I believe our angels guided it to land in the narrow space available, so no damage was done!

 tree branch falling in yard

You have a testimony of God's power working in your life during these days of darkness.  As you reflect on it, take a few minutes and thank Him for his goodness.  Then consider sharing it with us.  We would love to hear it in the comments below.


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Over a year ago I was diagnosed with Endometriosis. I have always had the desired of being a mother, this diagnosis really took me out emotionally. I had surgery shortly after a new cyst and endo implants appeared combined with the discourage of not conceiving every night. The Lord spoke to me many times but I was more focus on the problem. One night I dreamed of a red and black bird. In the dream I was amazed for it beauty and peace it provided. In the dream I knew I was facing difficulties however I was beyond joyful. The next morning as I’m heading to work I look up and see a red and black bird fly over me and landed on a branch. I knew immediately it was the Lord . Though I’m still waiting for my baby I’m now joyful and thankful. If this article you have confirmed that indeed God is with me. Thank you !

Joenny Montesino

I live in Northwestern Pennsylvania and this morning I saw something bright red in a tree outside of my window. When I realized that it was a bird I thought that my eyes were deceiving me because the red was so vibrant! I feel so blessed to have seen it! Thank you for your article! I do believe that it is a sign of hope.


This morning feeling discouraged, I looked out my window and for the first time saw a gorgeous Summer Tanager. I praised God for sending it my way!!!

Linda Leonard-Trudeau

Thank you for your message. I was on a walk on a trail in Massachusetts when I spotted this bright red bird with black wings. I took my phone and video him as he groomed himself. So blessed to be able to see him.


I saw two days ago on a hike. I had to get out the bird book as I have never seen one and been hiking this park in TN for years. I really needed your message! Thanks be to God!

Brooke Porter Hawkins

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