computer, coffee, energize your day

A Delightful Way to Energize Your Day

I know you're looking for the secret to energizing your day. Well, I have it! 

 But before I share it with you, pour yourself some coffee to enjoy. 

Go ahead, I'll wait.  And if you would be so kind, I'd like a refill.  Thanks!

coffee cup


Good, got your cup?  MMM, that taste good!  Ok, I was telling you about a delightful way to energize your day.

                    So, here is what works for me.

Coffee and Prayer.  Yep, that is my secret.

blble coffee cup

Studies show coffee improves you energy levels and make you smarter!  According to Healthline, the caffeine in coffee improves various aspects of brain function — including memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times and general mental function

From <



I am blessed to have a bible believing man in my life.  He gets up very early (3 am usually) and starts the first pot of coffee.

As it brews, he stands by the window and thanks God for the upcoming day. 

Before He leaves for work, he starts another pot, so I have fresh hot coffee when I wake up-no waiting!  I have been truly blessed by God.


With my first cup, I follow the advice from a coffee bean below, saying hello to God and just embracing the day.

A few minutes later, with the second cup, I talk to God about my day and what He has planned for me.  I'll read and journal with another cup.


Then I pray for you, my readers, my family, and what ever else He has laid on my heart.

Now, it's time for work!


The next cup sees me through all my emails and Facebook posts. 

Another cup is poured and refreshed as necessary through out the day. 

Coffee is definitely a part of my delightful life!

I thank God for creating it, for giving man the wisdom to make it, and for placing me in the earth at this time when it is available

My coffee cup is empty now.


or send me your favorite coffee saying. I'd love to hear them!  I'll think I'll have another cup while I'm waiting.


P.S. one more

Looking for a new mug to share your coffee?  Check out my mug collection.  Mugs

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I so enjoyed your delightful post! Coffee and prayers work well for me too!

C Ann Golden

Jodee, I absolutely love this. I love coffee a lot, okay maybe to much. You can never have to much coffee right? I sincerely loved reading this. I have a sign hanging that says " I need a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus." Thank you for sharing such a blessed post. Blessings.
Visiting from #write28days

Paula Short

I love coffee too and, as a new believer, have come to love prayer. Thanks for the reminder.


Yes….Coffee & Jesus is all we need!!! Not necessarily in that order😉


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