Kisses from Heaven

Kisses from Heaven

snow in read hair


(Originally posted Feb.,2020)


Last weekend, my daughter and I were walking as the snow was gently falling around us. As the snowflakes fell and stuck in her hair, I was awestruck by the beauty of the little white flakes against her red hair. This was what the Lord had been talking to me about. He is showering little kisses from heaven on us each day. In that quiet moment, each snowflake felt like a kiss of love landing on us. It would have been so easy to miss those kisses or explain them away as just another snowfall.


 The dictionary defines a kiss as an expression of love and affection between two people, like a father and child. Just as loving parents hug and kiss their child each day, God, our father, kisses you, his child, every day. 


February is known as the month of love. While He kisses us each day, watch for them especially this month. The Father is sending beautiful kisses from heaven, kisses from the heart of God that are going to minister to your heart.


"May He kiss me with the kisses of His mouth!" 
 Song of Songs 1:1


  •  His kiss is a beautiful sunrise, reminding you His mercies are new every morning. 


  • His word kisses you with the wisdom you need today.


  • You may be kissed by a snowflake. It's Him saying you are unique and wonderfully made.  


  • His kiss is a picture that brings you joy.


  • A kiss maybe a song that blesses your heart.


  • His kisses are found in a hug from a friend and the smile of a stranger.


  • His kisses are dreams coming true, desires fulfilled.


Raise your expectations this month and expect to be kissed each day. Open your heart and mind to receive them. Look for them, find them in the every day things and unexpected places. God is going to kiss you with His goodness in your life and circumstances. He will leave you in awe and wonder of who He is and how precious you are to Him. Don't limit Him to an expectation of what your kiss will look like. Allow Him to surprise you and move how He desires. 

These are His kisses.


 Then kiss Him back. Use the praises of your lips and the worship of your heart as your kiss. Kiss Him with a hug or encouragement for a friend. Love yourself because He finds you worthy of His kisses. Kiss your children and spouse because they are a gift from God.


How is God kissing you today? Leave a "kiss" in the comments.


have a delightful day



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What a beautiful way to view snowflakes and so many other gifts of beauty we receive each day! Thanks for linking at Scripture and a Snapshot!


I love when He lets me sleep the sleep of the beloved, which is extra sleep and naps sometimes, but sometimes the light drifts through the window to kiss me awake in the mornings.

Rebecca Jones

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