Kisses from Heaven

Kisses from Heaven


As I was looking at some pictures the other day, and found one of my favorites. It was taken on a day when my daughter and I walked as the snow gently fell around us. As the snowflakes fell and stuck in her hair, I was awestruck by the beauty of the little white flakes against her red hair. Looking back at that moment, I felt as if the Lord was sharing a secret with me. Each snowflake felt like a gentle kiss from heaven, a tender reminder of His unwavering love. It struck me how easy it would be to overlook these precious moments, to dismiss them as simply another winter's snowfall.


The dictionary defines a kiss as an expression of love and affection between two people, like a father and child. Just as devoted parents envelop their little ones in warm hugs and soft kisses each day, God—the ultimate Father—bestows these heartfelt kisses upon you, His beloved child, each day of your life.


This Valentine's Day, I invite you to open your heart and watch for these divine gifts. He is sending forth beautiful kisses from heaven, tender, and soothing touches straight from His heart, designed to uplift and nurture your spirit. Embrace these moments; they are His way of ministering to you with love.


Let’s lift our expectations and get excited about the little kisses of life that come our way every day. 

Open up your heart and mind to welcome these sweet moments.


Look for them in the simple joys—the warmth of the sun on your face, the laughter you share with friends, or the peacefulness of a quiet morning.


God is ready to shower you with His goodness and fill your life with amazing surprises that will leave you in awe of how much you matter to Him!


Don’t limit yourself by trying to predict what these kisses will look like. Be open to the unexpected and let Him surprise you in beautiful ways!


These are His kisses—wonderful reminders of His love for you.


 Then kiss Him back.

Let your praises flow from your lips, and let the worship of your heart serve as a heartfelt kiss. Kiss Him by offering a loving embrace or words of encouragement to a friend, sharing the love that fills you. Cherish your children and spouse, for they are precious gifts from God, deserving of your love and affection.

Finally, embrace yourself, recognizing that He sees you as worthy of His exquisite kisses.


How is God kissing you today? Leave a "kiss" in the comments.


have a delightful day

P.S. This was originally posted in February 2020 and has been rewritten and pictures added.


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Your post on “Kisses From Heaven” made me smile. In a ladies class “A Thankful Heart” and “Kisses From Heaven” fitted in perfectly. Sending you a kiss—-a prayer for blessing for Jodee!

Donna Williams

What a beautiful way to view snowflakes and so many other gifts of beauty we receive each day! Thanks for linking at Scripture and a Snapshot!


I love when He lets me sleep the sleep of the beloved, which is extra sleep and naps sometimes, but sometimes the light drifts through the window to kiss me awake in the mornings.

Rebecca Jones

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