Exalted Like the Horn of an Unicorn

Exalted Like the Horn of an Unicorn

unicorn horn

But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.   Psalms 92:10 KJV

 When I first read this scripture, I thought to myself, " I have no idea what that means!"  If you are thinking the same thing, then this blog is for you.

 The previous verses are talking about the fate of the enemies of God.

 7 That though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to be destroyed forever.
But You, Lord, are on high forever.
For behold, Your adversaries, O Lord, for behold, Your enemies shall perish; all the evildoers shall be scattered.


Then verse 10 is saying "But not me, I'm not your enemy.  This is my fate.  You are going to exalt me and anoint me with the finest and freshest oil."

 Let's start with what it means to be exalted.  Exalted means to raise up, lift up, placed at a high level or in high regard.  For example, when you get a promotion, you are being exalted over all the other applicants.  Reviewers can exalt a product and help it rise to the top of the best seller's list. Jesus was exalted when He was raised from the dead and seated at the Fathers right hand. far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.(Eph.1:21) 

And  as believers, we are exalted above all other peoples because we are raised up and seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.(Eph.2:6)


Ps. 92:10


My first question was "What is being exalted?"  I don't know about you, but I don't have a horn sticking out anywhere.  And  if I did, I wouldn't want it to be exalted!  The AMPC says my horn is an emblem of excessive strength and stately grace. The AMP say it is an emblem of strength and power.

   An emblem is a visual sign of an idea or a figurative representation of one.  Our horn, then, represents having more than is necessary strength, and being impressive in appearance with the favor of God. 

The next part of this scripture  states that our horn will be exalted like that of a reëm. In Jewish folklore, the re'em was larger than a mountain and could dam the river Jordan with its dung. It was a very large animal of great strength with a horn, which are now extinct. 

Nobody seems knows the exact meaning of this word.  Many modern translators believe it is the wild ox, aurochs, or wild bulls,  However I didn't find anything special about their horns.  Since the verse say "my horn is exalted like the horn of re'em, I like the translation of unicorn. To me it fits the horn being exalted. 



Long before the modern symbolism of magical creatures, the unicorn represented purity and grace. It had a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead.   It  was said to have the power to render poisoned water potable and to heal sickness making it one of the most expensive and valuable assets a person could have.  It was highly sought after to make goblets to protect princes against being poisoned.  It value was said to be worth eleven times its weight in gold.  It was used to create scepters and other royal objects, such as the unicorn throne of Danish kings, imperial crown of Austrian Empire, and a scabbard and hilt of Charles the Bold.

This story describes the strength of the unicorns horn. Cosmas Indicopleustes, a merchant of Alexandria who lived in the 6th century, gives a description of a unicorn based on four brass figures in the palace of the King of Ethiopia. He states that "it is impossible to take this ferocious beast alive; and that all its strength lies in its horn. When it finds itself pursued and in danger of capture, it throws itself from a precipice, and turns so aptly in falling, that it receives all the shock upon the horn, and so escapes safe and sound".  From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicorn>

Oil in the Bible is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, and the word anoint means to “pour over” and “to smear into.”  Strong's says the phrase "To be anointed to to mix or mingle together. We also know from other scriptures that a horn was used to hold oil for anointing.  In 1 Samuel 16:13, Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David to be king in the presences of all his brothers. 


So what does this verse mean to me now?  God has given me more than enough strength to accomplish everything He has called me to do.  He pours out His favor on me so it is visible to the world.  This strength and favor is greater and more valued than the unicorn horn.  The Holy Spirit mingles with me to refresh, give me strength and authority and show His favor to me.


How does this verse read to you now?  Love to hear from you.

delightful Jodee

Want a great reminder of this verse?  Click below to check out this mug.


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Thank you


You open this up for me in an understanding way and I like that I know it was powerful but now realize just how powerful.thank you

Patricia Benjamin

Thank you!


Quite expository. Been brooding over this verse of Scripture for say, weeks now. I want to live the reality of it. I know there’s more!

Thank you for your side of illumination to the Bible verse.

Adeola Adeyemi

Thanks so much for your explicit explanation of Psalm 92:10. Remain blessed of the LORD 🙏


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