God's Goodness: "the measure of faith"

God's Goodness: "the measure of faith"

mustard tree

My focus this month has been on the goodness of God.  As believers, we must have faith in the goodness of God. The bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. Without that faith, we can fall into fear and anxiety, doubting God's love and His plans for us living an abundant and delightful life.

“The goodness of God is infinitely more wonderful than we will ever be able to comprehend.” A.W. Tozer


What is goodness?

Goodness is the quality of the state of being good.  Just like God is love, God is good.  He does not just do good; He is good. Being good is defined as morally excellent, virtuous, righteous, of high quality.

Goodness is the best part of anything; kindness, generosity, essence, strength.

“God’s goodness is that He is the perfect sum, source, and standard (for Himself and His creatures) of that which is wholesome (conducive to well-being), virtuous, beneficial, and beautiful.” John MacArthur


Goodness of God- the measure of faith

God's goodness is found in "the measure of faith" He gives every believer (Romans 12:3, KJV). Jesus used a grain of mustard seed as an example of the measure of faith.

And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: But when it is sown, it grows up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shoots out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it.(Mark 4:30-32)

As we read the Word and develop a closer relationship with God, our faith will grow until we have the ability and power to bring His kingdom to earth.  Our faith is in Him; His goodness and grace.

“The measure of faith” is the same for every believer, and it is the same faith that Jesus possessed. Different believers may have developed and strengthened their faith over time and by the Word, but their faith is no different than yours. You have that same capability.  If you have become a new creation in Christ Jesus, then you have “the measure of faith.” Like Jesus, your faith has the ability to move mountains. It simply needs to be exercised.  From <https://www.kcm.org/real-help/spiritual-growth/learn/3-facts-about-your-measure-faith


Hebrews 11-The Hall of Faith    

 You've heard of the Hall of Fame. Well, Hebrews 11 is God's Hall of Fame. It tells of the accomplishments of ordinary men and women, who through faith did the extraordinary.

  • By faith, Abel chose the most pleasing sacrifice and was blessed. By faith, Abraham stepped out and discovered his inheritance.
  • By faith, Sarah embraced God's miracle power and gave birth to a nation. 
  • By faith, Isaac saw into the future and blessed his sons.
  • By faith, Moses delivered God's people out of Egypt and brought them to the promised land.
  • By faith, Gideon received confirmation of his assignment and defeated the enemy.
  • By faith, Sampson received the power to fulfill his destiny, even after He failed God.

Through faith, kingdoms were conquered, justice administered, promised blessings were obtained, the mouths of the enemy were shut, weakness was turned to strength, angelic armies were brought to fight, and the dead were raised to life again. Faith in the goodness of God prompted, motivated, inspired, and moved those believers to action.

“The greater your knowledge of the goodness and grace of God on your life, the more likely you are to praise Him in the storm.” Matt Chandler

Write Yourself into the Hall of Faith   

 As we look back upon these great men and women of faith, it is easy to think they were somehow special. Maybe God gave them a gift of faith you didn't get.  Not true!  If anything you, as a born again believer, have Holy Spirit residing in you. That is something the old testament believer did not have. You are the one who is special!                                                                                                          So, it's your turn now. Ask Holy Spirit to show you what is written about you in the Hall of Faith.   Review you past and declare your future.  Base your chapter on God's promises and prophecies he has given to you.

By faith,_________ did___________, and ____________happened.

Psalm 27:13 “Yet I am confident I will see the LORD’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.”

  Here is an example of what I wrote.

  • By faith, Jodee received Jesus into her heart, and obtained the power to live a delightful and abundant life.
  • By faith, Jodee was obedient to write a blog and God has used it to minister to people around the world. (75 countries so far this year)
  • By faith, Jodee tithed, and the windows of heaven poured out a blessing and the Lord of Angel Armies rebuked the devourer for her.

What are the scribes in heaven saying about you?  Share a line you wrote with us.  Your comments are a blessing to me and those who read them.

have a delightful day

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Yes, God is good all the time. Here is my statement. By faith Carol led a women’s Bible study during the pandemic year—meeting outside or on zoom. She and each woman was blessed by God’s word and the shared prayers. And more blessing and thanksgiving when we saw answers to prayer.


I never though about being a Hebrews 11 girl, by faith I do write and am working on the rest of Hebrews 4.

Rebecca Jones

Oh this is such a good word to ponder. Gonna pray and journal this out. Thank you for sharing this❤

Mariel Davenport

I love this post, Jodee! Here’s what I wrote from your exercise (such a great one!):

“By faith, Lisa started a One Word 2021 group this year, and through it she received encouragement from others to stay strong in her faith.”

Lisa notes

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