God's Voice

God's Voice



Today's Prompt: Voice

If you read my blogs, you will see where I say God told me… or I heard God say.  I want to clarify what I mean when I say that.


 The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.  John 10:27 AMP


Most of the time, I hear God's voice in my spirit.  It is not an audible sound heard with my physical ears.  It is a knowing in my spirit that it is God speaking.  Sometimes it is in words, sometimes I see pictures.  Again, I don't see with my physical eyes.  It is with the eyes and ears of the spirit.


Another way I hear the voice of God is through His Word.  When reading the bible, a phrase or word seems to jump off the page.  I know then to stop and listen, maybe study that part a little bit more.  God has something to say to me regarding that verse.


God also speaks through others; spouses, children, parents, friends, teachers, pastors.  He often uses nature to speak to me when we have coffee on the porch.


I have never heard the audible voice of God, although sometime He speaks so loud in my spirit it seems almost audible.

Those times have been when He is correcting me and I'm not paying attention.


This is the key, listening.  Expecting to hear Him speak.  God is speaking whenever and wherever His people will listen.  Even at the Super Bowl. Did you hear that Don sacked Joe for the win?


How do you hear His voice?


**This post is part of the #write28days Challenge, writing and posting EVERY DAY in February

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1 comment

Yes! We must listen if we want to hear his voice! I’m guilty of giving lip service to listening, but not actually listening. Thank you for the reminder to wait for a response.

Anita Ojeda

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