Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year friends!   It is time to say Goodbye to 2019 and Hello to some new adventures with Jesus in 2020!

I've been going through my journals for 2019 in order to say a proper goodbye.  My word for the year was "thrive".  It is amazing to see the many ways God made that happen.  There were also some disappointments and several discouraging days.  But as Isiah 43:18-19 says:

“Forget about what’s happened;
    don’t keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.
       From <https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+43%3A18-19&version=MSG>

 As the new year begins, no matter how good or bad 2019 was, I know you desire for the next one to be better.  In Philippians 3, Paul gives a secret to achieving that success.  Your focus is to forget all the past and look toward  the future.  You are already doing this by setting  goals and creating your vision board based on the desires of your heart. You are motivated to make it your best year ever!

Psalms 37:4 reveals that as you delight in the Lord, he will give you the desires of our heart. The word for delight here means to bend toward or be inclined toward.  As you incline yourself toward the desires that God places in your heart, he will provide what you need to make those desires happen.

Start 2020 by developing the habit of delighting in the Lord. Then be alert and watch what happens.


At jodelights!, we like to start off the new year focusing on delighting ourselves in the Lord.  Starting January 1, we will look at scriptures that instruct and encourage us on what delighting in the Lord looks like.  And we will discover what delights Him (spoiler alert-you are what delights Him).  The blogs will be a short read but each day has an Exercise in Delight included.  This exercise is something to do to put action to our delight.  This year, 31 Days of Delight has a new look, it's been rewritten and I've added some new challenges/exercises.

 So get your notebook or journal ready and we will get started January 1!  The entire series  can be found on my website under 31 Day of Delight.  Each day will be available after it is published. You can sign up for jodelights! blog and receive these directly to your inbox. Also, join me on Facebook or Instagram during the month.

 Do you know someone who would enjoy starting the year with delight?  Please forward this email and ask them to join us.


What are your desires for 2020 and the new decade?  Leave a comment below or email me.  I'd be delighted add them to prayers. 

Here is my prayer for you during the 31 Days of Delight.

Heavenly Father,

 As we set aside time to delight ourselves in you, I desire that you will show my friends how very much you delight in them!   Give them a deeper understanding of your love to them and their value to you.  I believe 2020 is the beginning of decades of delight and seeing your glorious wonders.   I also desire that you would unveil a hidden desire you have place in their heart and give them what they need to see that desire come to pass.

We give you all the praise and glory for what happens.




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