He will make your paths straight

He will make your paths straight

As I sit here writhing about this last part of the verse we have been looking at, I don't know what to say.  Holy Spirit, guide me as I write this today.  Let these words bring delight to my readers path.

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6

 The promise here is he will make our paths straight.  Path is our way, the course and fortunes of life.  Straight means to make smooth, straight, free from obstacles, successful.   I'm don't know about you, but smooth, straight and free from obstacles doesn't describe my life so far.  Have I not trusted?  Have I depended too much on my own understanding?  Have I forgotten to acknowledge Him?  Have I veered off the path He made for me?


In all honesty, I have to answer yes to each of those questions.  There have been many times I have not trusted Him and forged ahead on my own path.  Only when that path turned out to be more rocky than I believed it would be, did I cry out to him.  Thankfully, our Father is full of mercy and grace and a help in present time of need.

 The last couple of years, I have made a conscious effort to put this verse into practice.  Each day I try to sit with the Father and ask for that days assignment, in the hope that my path to success will be made straight and smooth.  I keep asking for another path, one I can see and navigate but He has kept me on this path.  Each time I've tried to go another way, He brings me back and whispers, "Trust me, this way is better".  It has taken over a year for me to accept the path He has placed me on and I still struggle with doubts from time to time.

 So, I'm a blogger, that is the path He has me on.  I don't understand why He would want me to do that, I'm not a writer, I don't understand computers or how the blogging world works.  I'm an solopreneur with way more to "how to" questions than knowing what I'm doing.  I'm learning all I can, but success as I would define it, isn't here yet.  It is a fight to lean not to my own understanding and go out and fine a "real " job, but He is asking me to trust that He is making my paths straight.



And all through this struggle, I am to live and write about delight!   Each day I have to remind myself to look for delight, to see it when He brings it so I don't miss it.  That, too, is part of the path I am to walk on, living a delight filled life.  He is teaching me that walking on His path is not about the destination, it is about the journey with Him.  Where the path leads is not as important as walking with Him down the path.  The path of our life will take many turns, and go through many seasons, before we take that final step into Heaven.  For every turn and season to be delightful, I must trust in Him, with all of my heart.  I will lean on His understanding and not mine, and I will acknowledge Him through out this journey.  I choose this delightful path with confidence that He will make it smooth, straight, and successful.  My delight actually shines a new light on my path and makes even the most treacherous ground smoother to walk on.



What is your path looking like now?  Do you have a clear view of the road ahead, or are you like me and can only see the next step?  Where ever you are on that path, trust in the Lord and you will find de-light to see your path more clearly.

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Hi Jodee! I love your photography for the 3rd and 4th picture! It inspired me because I love photography! I’m interested in creating a blog too; how did you go about creating one?


I just wanted to encourage you that there’s a realness to the way you wrote. In reading this, I felt like I was a sitting across from you and having an honest/messy (in a good way) conversation about life as we walk with Jesus and how confusing it can be sometimes. To draw people in that way is a gift. Whatever is going on in your life, God sees you today. God bless you.

I just want to say thank you. I was wondering every encourage through reading your journal “He will make your path”. May the Lord bless you with more grace as you continue your journey with Him. Blessings Gordon.
Gordon Robert

I, like one of your other commenters, was looking up the meaning of “straight paths” when I came across your blog. I’m so glad I did! I especially love what you said about delight shining a new light on one’s path, making even the most treacherous ground smoother to walk on. If I recall nothing else about the meaning of a straight path, I will recall what you have written about what delight can make of a crooked or even treacherous one!


Thanks for sharing!!


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