Spring cleaning 2021

It's Time for Spring Cleaning


Spring has officially arrived!  Once again, I can sit on the porch to enjoy my coffee and the morning sunshine.  The birds are busy building nests and serenading us with their songs.  I watch the squirrels play as I imagine the beautiful front garden I will create this year; if the bunnies don't eat it.  As I sit here this morning, Mathew 10:29-31 plays over and over in my mind. 

 You can buy two sparrows for only a copper coin, yet not even one sparrow falls from its nest without the knowledge of your Father. Aren’t you worth much more to God than many sparrows?  So don’t worry. For your Father cares deeply about even the smallest detail of your life.

Our Father cares deeply about all of the details in your life. Living a delightful life with Him includes His involvement in even the smallest of them. He not only cares for the spiritual stuff but everything that pertains to your life, including your spring cleaning! Each spring there seems to be an urgency to get things around the house cleaned, repaired, or replaced as needed.  That urgency is from the Holy Spirit. He is saying it is time to get your house in order because I've got plans for you.

This year I am especially grateful for a house to clean.  So many in our world have lost their houses due to disasters.  So I'm making an extra effort to remain thankful for what I have and pray for those who have suffered the loss of their homes.

Here are a few tips to encourage you as you begin.

Make a plan. Download and print out the PDF Cleaning for the Dream worksheets or grab a notebook.  Plan a time to complete each room. Schedule a whole day of cleaning. Or, if you are like me,  break tasks down into bite-size pieces. Try setting the timer for 30 minutes and just do one part of a room. Schedule small projects, 5-10 minute ones, during down times in your day.

honey do list

Walk through each room with the to-do list, and make notes. 

What needs to be repaired, updated, or replaced? What needs to be donated or thrown out? Let your imagination flow and dream big here. Would you like new paint, new flooring, or a totally different look? You may not get everything on your dream list, but you will get more than if you didn't dream at all. 

Check your supplies.  Inventory your cleaning supplies.  Plan for simple dinners that require little preparation and clean-up time. Make lists and go shopping for everything you need.

Just get started.  For those of us who don't like to clean, getting started is the hard part. Make your cleaning time a priority. Don't schedule anything else during that time. 

You are both the boss and the employee here. What would the boss-you say to employee-you to motivate her to get the job done? Make it fun.  Most cleaning projects won't take a lot of our brainpower, so it is easy to get bored. Take that time to pray, sing, dance, and dream.

Adjust your plan. Don't waste time feeling guilty about all you haven't done. Cross it off last week's to-do list and add it to future plans. There is no such thing as the cleaning police, and you won't get fined for not getting everything done on time. Sometimes things happen that throw a wrench into any plans we have. That is ok; just keep going. Celebrate your victories and plan to reward yourself for completing each task.

Stay motivated until it is all done. Take before and after pictures. You don't have to share them with anyone, but they are a great reminder of how beautiful you have made your home. Find some motivational YouTube videos on cleaning. Browse at some gorgeous rooms on Pinterest or your favorite magazine.

Ask for help. Get the family involved. Ask for advice on what to keep, what to get rid of, and what to give away. Get help moving and carrying what you cannot do yourself.

spring cleaning celebrate ideas

Last Celebrate! 

Plan rewards for completing tasks and staying on track. Adding them into the plan gives you something to look forward to when the tasks are completed, and help motivate you.. There is a worksheet in the planner for you to record what your reward will be. For example, when I finish the bathroom, I will buy a new bubble bath and enjoy a leisurely bath.


What motivates you to do your Spring Cleaning? Share your thoughts and ideas with us in the comment section below.

have a delightful day

One of the first steps in reaching your dreams and goals is to declutter, clean, and organize your environment. A clean and organized space will allow you to seize the opportunities that come your way.  Using this guide you can plan your cleaning day-by-day and room-by-room!  Lots of extras included with the guide and worksheets! Tips for a successful cleaning day.  Click on the picture below to get your copy.

Cleaning for the Dream

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