Itsy Bitsy Spider/A Lesson of Perseverance and Waiting

Itsy Bitsy Spider/A Lesson of Perseverance and Waiting

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Isn't it wonderful how many ways the Father speaks to us!  He does, you know, every day, if only we were open to hear him.

 Last week, I had lunch with my sister- in- law and her 2 year old grandson. While she was on a phone call, Murphy and I had a conversation about the Itsy Bitsy Spider.

"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout" he said in a sing-song voice. Then he stop and looked at me expectantly.  "Then what happened to the spider?" I asked.  He thought a minute and replied sadly, "He got washed away."  "That's right!," I replied. "What did the spider do then?"  After a brief pause, with a big smile, a little jump and both hands in the air, he announced "He went back up!"

When I returned home, I started thinking about that spider.  I felt the Lord ask: "How many times has that spider been washed down the water spout and every time he starts back up again"

 Wow, every time that song gets sung, I suppose.  That is a lot!.

 "Then what did the spider do?", I heard him ask me."

"He waits for the sun to dry things up and then goes back up that spout again?". I replied.  

"Yes", I heard, "I am drying up all the land for you now.  Will you be ready to go up the spout again?"

 The waiting time and the perseverance of going up that spout again are both  necessary.  It is in the waiting time we get the strength to persevere.  It is a time of refreshing, where our Father shows us His goodness and gives us the strategy to go up that spout again. 

But fear of being washed away again can paralyze us so we don't see His goodness. That fear also keeps us from seeking and receiving the strategies He has.   Or maybe it's impatience, we can't wait to get started up that spout again,  We don't feel that waiting is necessary or productive!  In our limited ability to see, we don't perceive what God is doing while we wait.

sunset on flooded field

I'm blessed to be in that time of waiting right now.  I have time to try new things and learn new skills just for fun!   Am I ready to climb up that spout again, not really, but with the Fathers help I will be.

When has the Father spoken to you in unique ways?  I'd be delighted to hear about them.  Keep your eyes and ears open and please let me know by leaving a comment.

                                                                                  Have a delightful day

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