My One Word Journey: May

My One Word Journey: May


Each month I share highlights from My One Word Journal. My Word for the year is BECOME.

My focus during May is looking at my life as the others see it.  Is the outer reflecting what is on the inside? This has caused me to take a good look around at my life and surroundings. I have to admit not everything I saw showed that I am a privileged child of a loving Father.  In fact, much of it needs polishing up to reflect His Glory. One of my scripture readings this week included 1 Kings 9:8-9.

"This house shall become a heap of ruins; every passerby shall be astonished and shall hiss with surprise and say, Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?"

We live on a busy street and this verse, along with Ezekiel 36:35-36, caused me to think about what passersby are seeing.

Are they astonished by the garden of Eden-like beauty or how run down it looks?   As ambassadors, with Heaven as our home country, it is our responsibility to show the world the ideals and culture we come from.  So my summer project is for the outside of my home to reflect that. This is a place where the Lord is worshiped and served. This is a place the Lord has blessed with His favor.



"but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."  Isaiah 60:2b

 "And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint."  Galatians 6:9

" And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited.  Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the Lord build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the Lord have spoken it, and I will do it."  Ezekiel 36:35-36


Highlights from my notes:

  • My life is a witness, and I am an ambassador who should reflect Heaven and all of its glory. Use the gifts, talents, and common sense I have to make "on earth as it is in heaven" happen. Being a witness means it can be seen by others. Being an ambassador means I take action to make sure others see it.
    • My appearance and clothing choices 
    • My home and property
    • My attitude and actions toward my husband, family, friends, and strangers.


  • Help me to remember and remind myself constantly of how you see me.  
*I am enough-I do enough
*He is pleased with me.
*He sees me, He notices me.
*I am His beloved.
*He doesn't give up on me.
  • Come into cooperation with God's promises. Become willing to see myself with His eyes and not through the eyes of what circumstances seem to say. The mirror that portrays who I really am is the mirror of the Word.


  • "We can get so caught up in working on our insides that we forget to pay attention to our external world. Your outer world can make a massive impact on your internal thoughts and feelings." (Tonya Leigh) What are my environment and surroundings saying to me and others? It should reflect that I am a favored child of a loving Father who meets all my needs according to His riches in glory. What improvements can I make to reflect that in my outer world?


  • Wanting the best for myself and my family when good enough will do is not asking for too much. The best is what brings glory to God. Raise my expectations and stop settling for just good enough. As a child of God, I should be using my faith to receive the best. Making do is ok until the best comes, but don't settle there. Those good enough mentality leeks into all areas of life, including my relationship with God. Become expectant and don't settle for just good enough in my prayers and time with God. Press in until I receive His best, until I'm basking in His glory, until I hear what He has to say. Don't settle for less than the best because it takes effort to keep believing for the best when you already have good enough.



"Low maintenance is just a code for "low standards" and "low self-worth." Tonya Leigh 


"God doesn't want us to settle for second best. He wants us to press on and pursue the greatness that's on the inside. Don’t let "good enough" be good enough! Be determined that you are going to become everything God has created you to be. Make room for the new thing God wants to do in your life!" Joel Osteen


"Don’t settle for mediocrity when you were created for greatness. Know who you are.” Anonymous


Art Journaling Page:

For my picture-it page this month, I took pictures around my house. I felt the Lord wanted me to see it as others saw it. The view I see looking out is not what people see driving by. Years of health issues, lack of finances, and a number of other excuses (including laziness) have resulted in our property looking uncared for and neglected. It does not say God's favor and blessing rest upon this place.


Action Plan:

Let the Word be my mirror: inside and out.

  • Remind myself what the Word says about who I am and how God sees me. 
  • Take steps to improve my home and property, so it reflects who God says I am.
    • Clean and weed.
    • Declutter
    •  Paint windows and trim, wash house.
    • Trim bushes back
    • Reclaim brick sidewalk
    • Beautify with plants, flowers, and yard art.
    • Ask for help when needed.
  • Pray for wisdom to know what needs to be done and when.
  • Believe for finances and the right workers for things we can't handle (trees trimmed, shed rebuilt) 


My Celebration:

Retake pictures and see the goodness and glory upon our home.


My Favorite Steps & Review

  • Lana Vawser from May 18th. "I am branding homes with the awakening to the revelation and manifestation of Ephesians 3:20. I am blazing and branding homes with the revelation that I am the God of Ephesians 3:20"
  • The neighbors commented on how nice an area we had worked on looked.
  • I was chosen to be a "practice client" for a life coach.


How is your One Word journey progressing? What surprises has God had for you this month?

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I really enjoy that you focus on a different facet of your word each month. I have learned so much from observing your process. I hope to remember to do this next year.

Barb Hegreberg

Love your reflections this month Jodee, especially the vulnerability. Things aren’t always the way we would like them to be, but we are enough, He is pleased with us, & we are His beloved: NO.Matter.What. Great food for thought this month!


I so appreciate your authenticity of sharing highlights from your journal notes. It’s so helpful to see these concrete ways you’re engaging with your One Word. Grateful that you link up with us so consistently! A surprise God had for me this month with my word was to question what I should and shouldn’t be RELEASING. It’s not always what I think initially.

Lisa notes

You have brought a different perspective to this, Jodee, “Is the outer reflecting what is on the inside? We can get so caught up in working on our insides that we forget to pay attention to our external world.” It’s good to ponder and reflect on what the Lord says, then to see if others see His reflection in us, and our property. ~Lisa, Visiting from One Word

Lisa Blair

Amen to what Linda said! And I can so identify with you, Jo, because our house and property have suffered for one reason or another. We are taking steps to improve but it’s a long slow process. I love how you remind us that we are His beloved and God never gives up on us. So we shouldn’t give up on ourselves, either. Blessings to you! I’m a neighbor at One Word Linkup May.


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