Schrlau Kitchen Reveal

Schrlau Kitchen Reveal

One Word of the Year: Savor


As I sat in my new kitchen, savoring its fresh look and comforting warmth, I found myself reflecting on Genesis chapter 1. There we see God savoring His work after each day.  In the King James, He calls creation good, but I like the more descriptive phrases in the Passion Translation.

     vs.4: And God saw the light as pleasing and beautiful;

     vs 10:  And God saw the beauty of his creation, and he was very pleased.

     vs 18, 22, 25:  God loved what he saw, for it was beautiful.

     vs 31: God surveyed all he had made and said, “I love it!” For it pleased him     greatly.

 The Bible mentions that God rested after completing His work. I can picture Him taking a moment to appreciate what He had created, similar to how I was savoring my new kitchen. Perhaps He shared His favorite parts of creation with the nearby angels or called Adam over to show him something special. We know that Adam named all the animals after God told him about each of them so he would get the name right.

 Since we're created in God's image and likeness, it's natural for us to savor the work we have done and want to share it with others. That's why I'd love to share the story of our new kitchen with you.

The Dec./Jan/Feb. 2011 issue of Where Women Cook has a story of a kitchen remodel. The article starts like this and reflects what I was feeling last January.

"If I have to look at this kitchen one more day, I will stick needles in my eyes," said Elizabeth Maxson to her new husband one morning as they stood in their tiny kitchen in their bungalow located in St Louis, Missouri.  short on cash, but long on creativity, she was sure she could give their kitchen a complete facelift "…

 I was planning to just give the cabinets a facelift, but they ended up looking so great that they made the rest of the kitchen seem kind of shabby, and not in a cool shabby-chic way. One thing led to another, and before we knew it, we had ended up redoing the whole kitchen!

If you had mentioned redoing the entire kitchen back then, I would have said we couldn't afford it. But, thankfully, God generously provided every step of the way. The Holy Spirit helped with guidance and inspiration when we got stuck. My awesome brother-in-law helped Steve with the lighting, our neighbors kindly lent us some tools, and we were incredibly blessed to find items on sale just when we needed them. An ideal cabinet for our coffee bar was at Habitat for Humanity Restore, and we also found a great one with a countertop on Marketplace for the microwave.

 And now:






As I sit and savor what we have accomplished with God's help, I have a new confidence to tackle the other areas in our home that need updating.

 If you have a project you've been waiting to do, I encourage you to just go for it.  Use my Project Planner as a starting point and pray over it.  You will be amazed how God will supply what you need!


As always, I love hearing from you.  What do you think of our kitchen?  What projects has God helped you with?


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What a special post to get to see your remodeled kitchen! I love all the details you share—especially the kitchen table that your parents ate from. That is very special. Definitely a project to savor, Jodee!

Lisa notes

It is beautiful!! Love it!,


Love the look Jodee! My kitchen needs an update as it’s ‘retro’ at the moment. But it’s serviceable.
I don’t like ‘new’ so I’ll be using what’s there too, just refreshing it up a bit.

Visiting from Lisa’s today where we’re sitting together.

You’re most welcome to join me in a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer. 😊
Blessings, Jennifer

Tea With Jennifer

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