Prepared to Receive More

Prepared to Receive More

strawberry basket


In my last couple of blogs, I wrote about preparing for the something "new" that God is doing.  Today, I want to share a testimony of one of the ways that looked in my life.

Last fall, I felt that I was to open an Etsy shop.  So I took some classes on Creative Live about running an Etsy shop.  I set it up, listed the products I had, ran an ad, and prayed over it.  I had over 10,000 views but no sales or even likes.  I was ready to shut it down.  After all, I reasoned, if you can't sell anything over the holidays, then you don't have a chance for the rest of the year.  But, I felt the Holy Spirit saying to give it until June.

Early this year, I felt an urgency to get my sewing room in order. I had been slowly working on it, but I felt it was to be my number one goal for the year.  I went through every piece of fabric, notions, trims, and books.  I cleaned and organized everything. Finally, by mid-March, I was done.

 I dedicated my workshop, Atelier 54, to serve God's purpose.  (Atelier means artistic workshop or studio, #5 is God's number for grace, and #4 is creative works. 5 plus 4 is 9, the number of completion.  Atelier 54 is my workshop where there is grace for creative works completed for God's purpose)

Just days after Atelier 54 was ready, I had my first sale on Etsy, with a 5-star review!

But it gets better!  Three things happened at the same time.  First, it was strongly suggested that anyone leaving their home should wear a face mask.  Next, there was a request from the place where my parents live for face masks.  Then, I received an email from Etsy asking for people to make face masks and list them.  So, being the perceptive person I am, I started making face masks.  Some I donated and some I listed on Etsy.  I didn't have much faith that any would sell, after all, it is hard to get listings seen.

What happened next blew me away!  I used some Christian themed fabric I had in my stash, made 4 masks, and listed them on April 8th.  I had my first sale minutes later, and all 4 sold within two days.  I searched my stash of other suitable fabrics, ordered more fabric, and started producing masks.  In two weeks, I have had 35 orders for over $700.00 in sales!  Included in every order is a card with the Psalms 91 declaration (you can get a copy on my website), and we pray for every person who is ordering. 

Ephesians 3:20-21 is at work, and I give all the praise and glory to God.

20 Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]—
21 To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it).


This scripture states that it is according to His power that is at work within us.  That power is the Holy Spirit! He is the power that prepares us for the superabundant things.  He was the one that urged me to get my sewing room ready, set up, and learn to run an Etsy shop.  My natural mind reasoned I should quit wasting my time and money, but the spirit within said to keep going.

I believe that cleaning and organizing Atelier 54 was the key factor is God being able to use and bless me at this time. One of my favorite motivational speakers, Terri Savelle Foy, talks about how decluttering, cleaning and organizing are keys to seeing your dreams come true.  Part of my dream is in this excerpt from my mission and vision statement.

From jodelights! Mission and Vision Statement 2020

Create Inspirational and faith-based products
  1. Gifts to live out loud your delightful life
  2. Help you to encourage others to delight in the Lord
  3. Turn stash into cash, and put anointed handmade items in peoples hands, like the aprons of Paul

Because I got prepared, I was able to seize the opportunity that God placed before me.  It may not seem like a big deal to you, but for me, it was.   It is so much fun when we experience the word, not just read it.  This has also increased my faith and I am listening more carefully to that "power within", the Holy Spirit.

What's next?  Recently, I felt the urge to redo my Spring Cleaning Guide and make it available again.  My mind is telling me no one will be interested, people have been at home for weeks and have their cleaning done.  But that urge to get it out to you won't go away.  And because of the experience above,  I'm gonna listen. 

This updated guide is now named Cleaning for the Dream and includes:

  • Tips for a successful cleaning day
  • Cleaning Supply list
  • Task Scheduler
  • Shopping list
  • Room by room cleaning guide
  • Blank Honey-do list for you to fill in
  • Recipe ideas
  • Meal planner
  • Reward ideas & planner

I will also be posting daily encouragement on my  Facebook and Instagram pages. I hope you will join in.   You can download the PDF free below.

 I want this kind of experience for each of you also!  I encourage you to pay attention and pray about those ideas that pop into your head and won't go away.  God is preparing you for your something "new" and setting you up for the "more" he has planned.

What are you hearing?  Do you have a testimony like mine?  Please share it so we can all give glory to God.  Or, are you in the preparation stage of your testimony?  Share that as well, we will pray and support you through it!

 Download your free copy of Cleaning for the Dream here.

Cleaning for the Dream

 have a delightful cleaning day

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1 comment

Jodie, I am so glad to hear how you are doing. You have always had such a belief in God and prayers. They have been answered. Keep up my Dear Sister-in-Law. Your messages are being heard and appreciated.


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