Silencing the Voice of the Accuser

Silencing the Voice of the Accuser



Before we can begin to identify and address our own negative self-talk, we must first silence the talk coming from our enemy. If the enemy can cause us to question our selves, then he can steal our faith in those areas of our life.  If he can get you to seriously question your calling, then you won't have the faith to believe for and fulfill that calling.

 Revelations 12:10 tells us that there is a spirit called the accuser of our brethren.  Day and night, constantly, he brings charges against us before God.  One of the reasons we experience feeling not good enough, shame and condemned is that there is a steady stream of accusations being made against us in the spirit realm.  We can hear those attacks in our inner man.



Here is an example of how the accuser worked in my life.   I was a successful retail manager for 25 years.  I knew I was good at my job   I had customer reviews, awards, and performance evaluations to prove it.  I was chosen as a training manager and trained several successful managers.  Yet there were times when I battled a lack of confidence in my abilities.  There was an inner voice accusing me, saying I didn't know what I was doing!  Irrational fear would  arise that my boss would find out I didn't know what I was doing.  This was not my own negative self-talk, but the voice of the accuser.  Perceived mistake or doubts were amplified out of proportion. You see, some of his accusations may be based in facts, but most of it is twisted  or just straight out lies. 

Revelations 12 tells us that the accuser has been cast down, thrown out of Heaven, and salvation, the kingdom of our God and the authority of the Messiah is now here.  The language in these verses implies that it has happened but will not be fully experienced until the day Jesus comes to rule and reign on earth.   1 Peter 5:8  tells us he hasn't stopped but he roams around incessantly, as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.  Those constant loud accusations will destroy us if we don't learn to put a muzzle on him.


lamb Rev. 12:11


So how do we stop him?  What shuts him up?  Revelation 12:11 says they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.  Ephesians 6:16-17 instructs us to take the shield of faith that will quench all the fiery darts the accuser fires at us.  We are to put on the helmet of salvation to protect our thoughts.

It is the blood of Jesus that speaks loud enough to silence that accuser.  We put on our helmet of salivation, hold up our shield of faith and testify the Jesus has paid the price for any dart the accuser fires at us.   If he's saying your ugly, you say "Not anymore.  I've left your family and now I am made in the image of God".  He accuses you of being stupid, tell him you have the mind of Christ and Holy Spirit as your teacher.  You can find a shield of faith to quench every dart in the word of God.


helmet of salvation shield of faith


But let's take it a bit further and muzzle him! It is not enough to just combat these accusations, we need to silence them.   Hebrews 12:24 says Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant and that the sprinkling of His blood speaks.  Again, this  is past, present and future.  What is His blood saying? The price has been paid for any accusation being made against you. We are cleansed by his blood and sacrifice.  We deserve no judgment because Jesus took our place.  After that, the accuser has no leg to stand on.  Everything he says is lies and slander. It is done, all the accuser has left is his roar.  Jesus defanged him when he shed and sprinkled his blood for us.

 lion Is. 54:17


Isaiah 54:17 tells us our heritage from the Lord is to condemn every tongue with rises against us in judgment.  As we stand before God in the righteousness of Jesus, we can stop every voice that is operating a weapon against us.  So let's do this now!  Use this prayer and declaration to silence the one accusing you.  Print it out and read it daily until you can tell a difference in your thoughts.


Silencing the enemy, Prayer and declaration


I do believe this will help the way you think and talk to yourself.   I'm praying with you. Let me know how it is working for you.

have a delightful day





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Hi… this is so needed in my head and in my home today … I trust that the Lord directed my steps to your site!

I noticed a typo in your first sentence that does make a difference, IMO. Thought you’d want to know: “Before we can begin to identify and address our own negative self-talk, we must first silence the talk coming for our enemy.” I believe you meant that we must first silence the talk coming FROM our enemy. -- All God’s best to you! Teri


Thank you so much dear this is really helpful I thank God that He has lead me to it.God bless you dear


This was a Blessing go receive this.I know this was for me and God sent.Thank you.🙏🏽

Mona Guevara

This was a Blessing go receive this.I know this was for me and God sent.Thank you.🙏🏽

Mona Guevara

This was a Blessing go receive this.I know this was for me and God sent.Thank you.🙏🏽

Mona Guevara

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