Survive those Ba Humbug Days

Survive those Ba Humbug Days

coffee book blanket survive ba humbug days

Today's Prompt: Survive


Some days I just want to survive. My goal is to just make it through the day. I'll wait for tomorrow to begin again.

I have these days occasionally. It is not that something awful or overwhelming has happened. I just don't want to think or strive to move forward. Maybe, I let myself get mentally drained or physically tired. Maybe, it's a spiritual attack. Perhaps I've read or listened to too many motivational series, and I'm not up to being superwoman today.


Whatever the cause, we all have those days. When they happen, give yourself a break. Take a mental health day. You don't have to be productive every day.


When those Ba humbug days occur, here is what I do to survive.


  • I give myself permission to be unproductive. This takes the pressure off and alleviates guilt. My dreams can handle a day every now and then when I am not actively pursuing my goals.


  • I spend time worshiping-sometimes hours at a time. I'll put on a YouTube video of a worship service and just sing along.


  • I'll play a game, watch a movie, or read a book for pure entertainment. I avoid educational, motivational, and self-help stuff these days because it just makes me feel worse. My intentions are to keep my mind occupied so I don't chase the rabbit trails of "I should be", "I need to", and "what's wrong with me".


  • If the weather cooperates, I'll take a walk. Fresh air and exercise cause you to breathe more oxygen. That increases the amount of serotonin (known as the happy hormone) produced, thus making you feel happier. More oxygen also improves your concentration skills and provides you with more energy.


  • These are the days I really indulge myself. Great coffee, comfort foods, and decadent desserts. Or not. Those are days I don't stress about what I should eat; I just eat what I want.


  • I take a long bubble bath, maybe give myself a facial, and do my nails. I know my tomorrow self will appreciate it.


  • I end my day by being grateful. Keeping a gratitude journal sets me up for a better day tomorrow.


Finally, I don't allow myself more than one or two of these days a month. For me, too many Ba humbug days are a warning sign and need to be addressed immediately.  


The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). John 20:10 AMPC



God has not created us to just survive but to enjoy life. He has a delightful life planned for us, full of adventure and fun. But some days, we just need to survive and begin over on the next day, when His mercies are renewed.

And that is ok.


What do you do to survive the Ba humbug days?

**This post is part of the #write28days Challenge, writing and posting EVERY DAY in February



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What great survival tips! I’m so glad God provides a way for us to thrive though – I shared the same Scripture in my “survive” post today.


Today was a bah humbug day. Hubby and I got a bit of food poisoning. I survived by doing nothing. :)

Mandy Farmer

Yes, Jodee, God did create us to thrive, not just survive, but we all need days of rest to refresh and rejuvenate ourselves. You’ve given some great ideas for recharging!

Lisa Blair

We all have those kind of days. Or even half-days. I had a morning like that yesterday. “God has not created us to just survive but to enjoy life.” Amen.

Lisa notes

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