gavel and piggy bank Deut. 28

The Lord Commands the Blessing

gavel and piggy bank

The Lord will command the blessing upon you in your storehouses and in all that you undertake, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you.  Deuteronomy 28:8

If there was ever a time we need the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 in our life, it is now.   Gas, food, and utility prices are all going up. Taxes will probably increase while incomes are staying the same or even going down in some cases.


My word for this year is focus.  Each month God has had me focus on a specific area.  This month he wants the focus on His blessings, not the circumstances I listed above.  As we focus our faith on Him and the blessings He has promised, we will see them happen in our lives.

 At the beginning of Deuteronomy 28, we find a qualifier for receiving these blessings.

 If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.  All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God:

 That's impossible! (you may be saying to yourself). I'll never be blessed if I have to fully obey and follow all of God's commandments! I don't even know all of them.

 Fortunately for you, Jesus paid the price to set you free from the curses. Now through faith in Him, these blessings can be poured out on you. (Gal. 3:13-14) You can receive all the promised blessings because of Jesus's sacrifice, not because you fully keep the law.

 It is important to note that while you are free from keeping the law, listening carefully and obeying Him is still necessary. You do this out of love for Him and what He did for you, not because you fear the curses. 

You can be confident of His grace and mercy when we fall short. Listening carefully and obeying what you hear will set you up to receive all the blessings He has commanded upon you.


Who is commanding the blessing? It is YAHWEH. 

 Who is YAHWEH? The Hebrew is actually YHWH, meaning that what was, that what is, and that what is going to be. It is the name that God revealed himself to Moses as " I am who I am". The eternal and unchanging one, ever faithful one who keeps His promises. YAHWEH is a name God uses with those He has a covenant relationship. YAHWEH is God's active presence with His people to save, help, deliver, redeem, provide, and BLESS. The translators of the Bible often translated YAHWEH as Jehovah and Lord.

When YAHWEH makes a promise, He doesn't change His mind. He is the Almighty One, who has the strength and ability to make it happen. He is Sabaoth, Lord of Host, commander of the angelic armies, and Jehovah Bore, the Lord, the creator.


What is a command?

To command is to give an authoritative order. As used here, commanding is to make a decree. A decree is an official order issued by a legal authority. Easton's Bible Dictionary describes it as a decree from God. It is eternal, unchangeable, holy, wise, and one with sovereign purpose. When someone with the legal authority to do it makes a decree,

it is to be carried out without question. The commanded blessing is not just words without the power and authority to back it up. 

When God issues a command, all of heaven rushes to make it happen.


What is the blessing? 

A blessing is a special favor, mercy, or benefit. It is a gift bestowed by God that will bring happiness. It carries His approval and encouragement. You should be able to see the effects of the blessing because there will be evidence of it in your life. It will not be only spiritual, but will be physical prosperity that you can access and use to meet your needs and the needs of those around you. 2 Corinthians 9L8 in the Amplified Bible says it best.

And God is able to make all grace [every favor and earthly blessing] come in abundance to you, so that you may always [under all circumstances, regardless of the need] have complete sufficiency in everything [being completely self-sufficient in Him], and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity.

 That is what the commanded blessing upon your storehouse looks like.


 YAHWEH has commanded the blessing upon you, so get ready to be blessed!


Have you seen this scripture working in your life?  If so, would you drop a line in the comments to encourage others?  We would love to celebrate with you!



have a delightful day


NEW PDF printable available:  Deuteronomy 28 Blessing Decree  Click on image to view.


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Jodee, I appreciate you sharing the Deuteronomy 28 blessing pdf.

Lisa Blair

Focusing on his blessings, not my circumstances, is a great perspective. So grateful for this blessing: “When YAHWEH makes a promise, He doesn’t change His mind.” Amen!

A blessing I received this week was my first shot of the vaccine. It puts me one step closer to getting to visit again with my in-laws and they with us, actually in our houses! It’s been over a year that we’ve done that. They are already fully vaccinated; my husband and I have both had one dose now. Soon! Of course those are the circumstances surrounding the real blessing, which is that we WANT to be able to visit with each other! :)

Glad you linked up at our monthly linkup! I’ll look forward to hearing with your April focus is.

Lisa notes

Focus is a great word for 2021 & I love that each month the focus of your focus is different. What amazing growth you’re going to see as you lean into each new lesson.

Barb Hegreberg

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