Time to Thrive!

Time to Thrive!

ThriveI mentioned last week my word for 2019 was Thrive and how I thought is would be more fun than my 2018 word.  Well, I was kinda wrong.  Turns out before a seed can thrive, it must die! I don't know about you, but dying to self isn't what I call fun.  However cutting away the old to make room for the new is necessary, and biblical.  As He often does, God shows us the end before the beginning.  Jesus was able to endure the cross, for the joy set before Him (that is restoring us to a relationship with the Father!)  So my end is thriving and dying to self is where my 2019 journey begins.

 I heard the Lord say "I want you to go from survive to thrive.  You need to adjust your thinking, your attitude and prayers to thriving, not just getting by."   He showed me over time, and because of circumstances, I gone into survival mode, but that is not the way to live the delightful life he has planned for me.  Dreaming God's big dreams are not possible when we are focused on just making it through the next week or month.  He wants so much more for us!  He is challenging me and you to step up in faith and allow 2019 to be a year to thrive not just survive.

Psalms 37:4 Thrive

One of the cornerstone scriptures of jodelights! is Psalm 37:4-5  Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.  The word delight here means to make soft and pliable.  As we make ourselves soft and pliable before Him, He makes the changes  necessary to bring the desires He placed in our hearts to come to pass. This word implies that we do this with enjoyment and exquisite delight.

 Okkayy- I'm supposed to enjoy dying to myself, even find exquisite delight in doing so.  That is a fun challenge to start the new year off!

My story for this year is from Judges 6, the story of Gideon.  One of the first things Gideon was told to do was pull down idols. Likewise, there are idols in my life that have to come down in order for me to thrive as the Lord wants.  Things that hold me back, that consume my attention, time, thoughts and resources.  Things that keep me from becoming the person God created me to be.  I'm not alone, am I? We all have things/idols in our lives that hold us back and keep us from going to the next level that God has for us.  We don't literally bow in worship to these things, but they do occupy some high places in our life!  Gideon pulled down the idols, cut down the groves, then used them to build an alter and make a burnt offering to God.

destroy your idols

So how do we cut down the idols in our life?  I don't have an idol to go and smash, or a grove of trees to cut down.  One way best ways to smash the idol of self is fasting, so first on the agenda of my thriving year is fasting.  Each year I participate with my church in a 21 day Daniel Fast.  Fasting is one way to make ourselves soft and pliable so the Holy Spirit can tear down those idols.  But as the idols come down, we are also to build an alter to worship the one true and living God.  That requires the sacrifice of going deeper in the word, prayer and worship.

So why am I doing this?  So the Lord can give me the desire of his heart and mine, for me to THRIVE this year.


 Psalms 92: 10, 12-15.

The Passion Translation

10 Your anointing has made me strong and mighty.

    You’ve empowered my life for triumph

    by pouring fresh oil over me.

12 Yes! Look how you’ve made all your lovers

    to flourish like palm trees,

    each one growing in victory, standing with strength!

13 You’ve transplanted them into your heavenly courtyard,

    where they are thriving before you.

14 For in your presence they will still overflow and be anointed.

    Even in their old age they will stay fresh,

    bearing luscious fruit and abiding faithfully.

15 Listen to them! With pleasure they still proclaim:

“You’re so good! You’re my beautiful strength!

    You’ve never made a mistake with me.”

 bible and lamp

The Amplified Translation

10 But my horn [my emblem of strength and power] You have exalted like that of a wild ox;

I am anointed with fresh oil [for Your service].

12 The righteous will flourish like the date palm [long-lived, upright and useful];

They will grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic and stable].

13 Planted in the house of the Lord,

They will flourish in the courts of our God.

14 [Growing in grace] they will still thrive and bear fruit and prosper in old age;

They will flourish and be vital and fresh [rich in trust and love and contentment];

15 [They are living memorials] to declare that the Lord is upright and faithful [to His promises];

He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

 Growing in victory, standing with strength, long-lived, useful, stable, fruitful, prosperous, rich in trust and love and contentment =THRIVE.  That is the joy He is setting before me for this year.

 Have you received your word from the Lord for 2019 yet? If not, you can share mine and we can take this journey together!  No matter what you choose as your word or where that word will take you this year, it starts with delighting in Him and committing our ways to Him.

Until next time...

delighting in His promises


Would you like your word for the year on a coffee mug or phone case?  If so, I can help.  Contact me and we will work together to design one for you. 

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