Today's Prompt: Adapt
Today's word, from Write28days, fits perfectly for my One Word of the Year monthly update.
Adapt means to make something suitable for a new use or purpose; modify. My word BECOME is about adapting to kingdom living.
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you]. Romans 12:2 AMP
Here is a peek at my journal for February.
Highlights from my notes:
- My month started with these 5 words, Love, Linger, Listen, Light and Laugh.
- Think as a privileged child of a loving father.
- Allow love to fill you to overflowing and push down walls of disappointment and fear. The walls will fall, not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit as you linger in my love.
- Stop allowing past negatives (disappointments) to out-weigh past positives, influence your today, and predict your tomorrow.
- I have placed everything you need on the inside of you: pray it out, laugh it out, live it out!
- Don't throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. Listen: one word from my mouth is all it takes. Two or three will confirm it. Don't let go of the one I give you because you think it is not working and you need another, more powerful word. Speak it: when you speak My Word with faith in Me, I rush to perform it with all of heavens hosts behind Me. Expect your answer. Don't give up, and don't let go until I have performed My Word to you.
My art journaling page:

I have been blessed and surprised by how much the Holy Spirit reveals in these art journaling pages. This page never goes the way I expected it to but ends up with a message He wants to convey.
This month's message was; Love knows exactly what to do and how to do it. The Father is a master at expressing His affection.
Action Plan for the month:
- Love-Express my love to God and receive His love for me.
- Linger-Take my time loving and being loved. Don't get in a hurry; let everything else go. Linger in His presence, soaking in His love.
- Listen-Be still and listen for His voice.
- Light-Like a light bulb turning on: clearer vision, an illuminated path forward, blueprints and strategies for success
- Laugh-Laugh the laugh of faith. Anticipate joy. Celebrate by acting on what you hear.

Steps to Take:
- Adjust my schedule to spend more time to Love, Linger, and Listen.
- Speak out the words I receive and make plans to act on them.
- Set your intentions and expectations for the day first thing in the morning, then follow through to make them happen.
- Create a space in my office for lingering and listening.
- Listen for ways to be generous; expect new ideas and opportunities. Follow through on them.
- Learn to laugh the laugh of faith.
My Celebration:
Buy a plant for my new lingering space
I've had fun with my word this month. My biggest surprise was related to last month's art journaling page.
I had cut out and used the words "Your biggest problem solved". After I glued it down, I wondered why I put it there. This month as I lingered and listened, the Lord gave me insight on solving any problem I have. I'll be practicing this strategy and will write about it later.
How are you adapting with your word? What surprises have you experienced?
I do like the way you use the journal. I may have to try some of your excercises.
I love all these ideas, Jodee. We can apply many of them to any of our words!
Jode, I love your One Word Journal.
Wow! Your art journal is inspiring!
Wow! Your One Word journal looks amazing, Jodee! I appreciate your discovery, “This month’s message was – Love knows exactly what to do and how to do it.” Thanks for sharing your journey of becoming more like Him.