Coffee Bar Table

Coffee Bar Table

Coffee Bar Table
I've just finished a table for my coffee bar / break room and I love it!
The table I started with was from the backroom at Hancock's, where I worked.
It wasn't very pretty, so I sanded it down, stained it with a homemade coffee stain. then added graphics,I finished the top off with a polyurethane spray to seal the graphics in  and protect the top from coffee stains (ha ha).

My husband was very skeptical  but generously helped prepare the stain, sand the table. and helped chisel the crate lines.  He admitted he had  doubts about this project, (as he does about many of my projects) but he is always supportive and never says :"I told you so" when one flops.  He likes the way this one turned out and is delighted with the work we did.  It was to go in the basement just outside my sewing studio, but it found a home on the porch instead.
Here's how we did it:
 Sand and distress the table, mine didn't need much distressing, but we did chisel line into it to make it look more like a crate.
Coffee Stain
Make the stain from 1 cup strong coffee,1 fine steel wool pad, and a 1/2 cup vinegar.  Place together in a jar and let sit overnight.  Brush stain on and let dry. It will dry darker that it looks, repeat until you have the color you want.  
Find a graphic you like and print it out poster size. Graphic Fairy has some great ones. She also has training on how to transfer on to furniture.  I wanted a coffee theme and I chose this one because I liked the angel trade mark in the center. Glue it down, I used spray glue and a old credit card to smooth out bubbles. After it is dry, you  can stain over it to blend it into the table. Mine was a bit gray, so I added a squeeze of walnut gel stain I had left over from another project for the final staining.  It worked better for blending graphics in with the table.
Here are the graphics I used:
coffee graphics
 Seal with polyurethane spray.  
Isn't this just perfect for a coffee bar?  What do you think?   Have you tried anything like this?  Let me know in the comment section below.  I'd love to hear about your creative projects.

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