DIY Honey butter pick, bread butter

Family, Flavored Butter & DIY picks

This week has been a reminder to me of how important it is to cherish your family while you can.  Your loved ones may not be here next year for many different reasons.

This blog was originally written in 2017.  I came across it while cleaning up some of my files. I thought I'd republish it so you can have new "pick thingies" for Thanksgiving to impress your sister or guests.

Me and my Sister

My sister is one of the delights in my life!  That is her on the left and me on the right with the cool glasses.  Aren't we adorable!


This blog is dedicated to my sister. I am blessed to have this wonderful woman in my life.  As kids, we were best friends.  As adults, our lives have taken different paths and we aren't as close as we were, but the bond of being sisters has and always will remain. A conversation  we had over Thanksgiving dinner inspired me to write this  (Thanks, San. I love you) 

In some ways, my sister resembles a honey bee, she is very sweet but can (and will when the occasion calls for it) sting.  Anyone that spends time with her soon realizes she  has a big heart, wonderful wit and a commanding use of sarcasm.

Our conversation went a little like this:

Sister-Oh, Oh, rolls, rolls, I need a roll"


Me- " there is butter or honey butter next to the rolls."


Sister-"Which one is the honey butter?"


Me - "This one with the honey drizzle on top. I should have labeled them."


Sister-  "I'm surprised you didn't with those little pick thingies. "


Me- "I was going to make a little pick labeled honey butter, but didn't think of it until this morning."


Sister- "Of course you were,  probably in needlepoint, no less, being the overachiever you are."


She went on to say how not labeling the food had ruined her Thanksgiving, well not really, cause she would just stick her finger in the butters to tell which was the honey butter, etc.  And everything else was good, so she would give me a pass this time.


So in honor of her, I am making picks for Christmas. Not in needle point, just using paper, computer art and glue. 


Family is a gift from God.  He placed us into that family unit to develop the character traits, skills and values we would need in life.   Communication, forgiveness, love, and strategic planning are just a few things we learn from our family.  So as your family is teasing you and you are plotting your revenge, remember to say thank you to Father God for your family.


Below  is quick and simple instructions for making  the "pick thingies" to impress your sister, or just so she won't stick her finger in the butters. I've also includes Steve's recipe for honey butter, as well as some other variations.  These turn rolls, muffins and bread into a tasty treat fit for any holiday table.


To make those "pick thingies"


  • Wooden skewer, plastic cocktail forks about 5 inches long
  • Tape
  • Glue
  • Artwork for picks (you can use mine or create your own)


Print tags  Card stock will hold up best. (To use the ones in this post, right click on the image, click save as, then you can go to your downloads and print.)

Tape skewer to the middle of one side to the back side of card.

Fold card and glue edges together.  You may need to put a weight on it until it dries. 

Honey Butter Pick Honey Butter pick

Cinnamon Butter pickOrange Butter pick


Directions for making butters:

Bring butter to room temperature. Whip using with whisk attachment for about 30 seconds. Add remaining ingredients and beat until completely combined and very smooth. Scrape down sides of bowl and turn up speed and whip for a minute or two or until  light and fluffy.

Use immediately or store, tightly covered, in the refrigerator. Allow to butter to soften before using.

Honey Butter

  • 1 lb butter, unsalted, softened
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Cinnamon Butter

  • 1 stick unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1/4 c. powdered sugar
  • 1/4 c. honey
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

 Orange Butter:

  • 8 Tbs. (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room
  • 1 tsp. confectioners' sugar
  • 2 Tbs. orange marmalade
  • Zest of 1 orange


Honey butter is a must at all of our holiday tables.  Does your family have must haves at your holiday table?

have a delightful day




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