He is Directing Your Footsteps

He is Directing Your Footsteps

footsteps in the snow

This last week I have been contemplating the new year and what to be looking forward to. One of the messages I have received is to relax, knowing that the Lord is directing my footsteps. I believe it is a word for us in 2022.


The LORD directs the steps of the godly.

He delights in every detail of their lives.

Psalm 37:23 NLT

During the last week of 2021, this scripture started showing up in my emails and social media feeds. Then, while watching the Stand New Year's Eve celebration, Rodney Howard-Browne shared on God directing your footsteps in 2022. He even gave a visual demonstration of how God will stop us from going the wrong way.

As I was reviewing the year for jodelights!, I discovered the most read blog in 2021 was "He Will Make your Paths Straight".

When I hear a message like that over and over, I believe God is trying to tell us something. What I am hearing is that 2022 will be a year of supernatural provision and protection. We won't miss what God has for us because He is directing our footsteps. God takes such great satisfaction in those who receive His guidance that He will make sure we are in the right place, at the right time, to receive the blessings and favor He has for us.

I was raised with the King James version of this verse. (The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. NKJV) One part has always bothered me. When I read "a good man" my Imposter Syndrome starts acting up. I know that as a born-again child of God, I have His righteousness, and that is what qualifies me as a good man. But I don't always feel like one, and honestly, sometimes I don't act like one. 

So when I read Barnes' Note and learned the word good was not in the original text, I did a happy dance! I'm not disqualified from this promise!!

Barnes' Notes on the Bible
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord - Margin, "established." The word rendered "ordered" means to stand erect; to set up; to found; to adjust, fit, direct. The idea here is, that all which pertains to the journey of a good man through life is directed, ordered, fitted, or arranged by the Lord. That is, his course of life is under the divine guidance and control. The word "good" has been supplied here by our translators, and there is nothing corresponding to it in the original. It is simply there, "the steps of man are ordered," etc. Yet there can be no doubt that a good or pious man is particularly referred to, for the connection demands this interpretation. The word "steps" here means his course of life; the way in which he goes.
And he delighteth in his way - In his course of life; and, therefore, he blesses him. The general idea is that he is the object of the divine favor, and is under the care of God.
From <https://biblehub.com/commentaries/psalms/37-23.htm>

So good news-to qualify for this promise you only have to be a man.  And the word man here means a person, simply-everyone.  That's me! That is you, too!

The word also can mean warrior, so we may have to fight for this promise.  We have to stand up for what we know is ours and adjust as He leads us. We fight against the Imposter Syndrome and the lies the enemy whispers in our ear.  We fight is to enter into this rest, having confidence that our footsteps are being directed by the Lord.


The steps of a man are ordered by the LORD

 who takes delight in his journey.

Psalm 37:23  Berean Study Bible


What are you hearing from the Lord about 2022?  I'd love to know what the Lord is sharing with you.  Drop a line in the comments below.

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