a clearer view, after plastic is removed from porch windows

Stay-at-Home Advantage: A Clearer View

Now that the weather has warmed up, we were able to take the plastic off of our screened-in porch.  Wow, the world outside looks so much clearer now. It is interesting how much a seemingly clear piece of plastic can cloud the view.  With the cold, rain, and dirt, that once clear piece of plastic had become very cloudy. It happened gradually over the winter, a little cloudier every day, so I barely noticed.  But when Steve ripped down that plastic, all of a sudden, we could see clearly again! The grass is greener, the flowers are brighter, even the weeds are easier to see.  We can smell the spring now, too. The lilac bush invaded the porch with its fragrance, the scents of rain and fresh-cut grass can all be experienced more fully now that plastic is gone.

As I sit here, enjoying the newfound clarity, I wondered. Are there other places in my life where I am not seeing clearly, where my vision has become clouded?   Am I seeing God clearly?  Am I seeing myself clearly? Has my vision become clouded with the cold, rain, and dirt that comes from living in a fallen world?  Where have I allowed disappointment, fear, or unforgiveness to obscure the clarity I need to serve Him with a pure heart?

 Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. They will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God their Savior.   Psalms 24:3-5

 Holy spirit the orginal Mr. Clean

The Holy Spirit is the original Mr. Clean! 

When we are born again, we are given clean hands and a pure heart. Keeping them that way isn't as easy, but the Holy Spirit has been given to us as our helper, and He can reveal where our vision has been clouded.  All we have to do is ask Him to show us those areas, repent, and allow Him to restore us.  We just have to be willing for our windows to be cleaned or the plastic tore down.  Just like cleaning your house, if you do this regularly, it doesn't take as much time.   A few minutes in His presence with a willing heart is all it takes.

The reward for taking that time is awesome! Taking down the plastic enabled us to experience the outside world more fully.  The reward for restored clean hands and pure heart is the ability to be in the presence of the Lord, experience His world more fully.  And bonus-there's where  you find blessing and vindication from the LORD.


Stay-At-Home advantage

With the stay at home orders caused by Covid-19, you have been given extra time.  It is time you can use to get your house cleaned and in order.  You can also use this time to draw closer to God, and allow Holy Spirit to cleanse and heal you.  Are you taking advantage of it?  The more of that dirty plastic of the world the Holy Spirit tears down, the clearer you will experience the Lord's presence. You will see His blessing in your life and be a clearer reflection of His Glory to the world around you.  That is His desire for you.




Through out the month of May, I am posting daily encouragement on my  Facebook and Instagram pages. I hope you will join in.   You can still download my Dream Cleaning Guide for free by clicking on the link below.


Click on picture.

 Cleaning for the Dream

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