Don't Give Up-God is Still Working

Don't Give Up-God is Still Working

Don't Give up-God is Still Working

Coffee in my favorite cup,  watching nature from my porch, and conversations with God are my favorite way to start the day.  Lately, it has been so nice, I start my workday there also, reading email, catching up on my Facebook groups, then planning the day.  In the afternoon, I find myself back on the porch again, reading blogs and pinning to Pinterest.  After years of being inside a retail store 10 hours a day, being able to work this way is a wonderful blessing.

As I watch the birds, God reminds me of a blog I wrote last year.

 Mama Robin;Papa God

 As I sit here, I'm treated with the sight of baby squirrels racing up and down and all around the tree just outside.  A mama robin lands on the sidewalk with a fat juicy worm. I watched her throw it on the concrete, peck at it, then pick it up again.  She did this several times then off she flew to her nest to feed her babies.

I felt Holy Spirit say to me,  "Did you see that?  The way the mama prepared that for her babies?  Papa God is doing the same for you!"  I realized then the babies couldn't see what their mama was doing.  They didn't know when she would come with the food they so desperately wanted.  But just out of their sight, she was preparing a feast for them!

Papa God is like that mama robin, He is working on our behalf just out of our sight.  But because we can't see what He is doing, we sometimes forget He is preparing things for us.

Apparently, He knew that we might forget, so He has filled His word with this promise:  even though we can't see what He is doing, He is working for us all the time!

Why do I forget?  In my pain, confusion, and frustration, I'm like those baby robins.  I want it now and I can't see what Papa God is doing.  I forget that the tough times make me stronger, and He is preparing  me  for the plans He has for me. He is teaching me to trust Him more, His timing is perfect and He will never let me down.  And in His mercy, he sends Mama Robin to remind me once again, "I have plans for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 


Coffee time this morning, Mama Robin reminded me that God is working for me. Most recently, He arranged for a dead tree to be removed much less expensively than we expected. Since the city was removing a tree in front of our property, the tree removal folks agreed to remove a dead pine tree for us at the same time. I had been praying about this for months, then suddenly one day a knock at the door and an answer to my prayers appeared.

 What a great example of God working on our behalf, just out of our sight.  I wasn't aware of the cities plans to remove the tree, or the companies willingness to get rid of our tree also.  All I could see was a dead tree leaning against the house, no money to remove it and not even who to trust to do it. There is more on my list and I'm excited to see how He answers! I wonder what is next!

If you feel you are waiting on God to answer your prayers, don't give up.  He is working on your behalf, just out of sight.  It is also a good idea to write those prayers down and find a promise in the Bible that corresponds to it.

What has God been doing on your behalf?  I love to hear about it.  Leave a comment to share with us. 

 Have a Delightful Day


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