Raft: Removing Impurities

Raft: Removing Impurities


chicken noodle soup

Todays prompt: Raft


The weatherman is forecasting sleet and heavy snow starting tonight and continuing the next few days. So we are hunkering down, and I'm planning on making some homemade chicken noodle soup. I'll be making the noodles the way my grandma taught me. There is nothing better than old family recipes to fill you with warmth while you are stuck inside on a snowy day. The smells take you back into her kitchen, where you can almost taste the love. If you don't have a family recipe for noodles, I'll share mine. You can find the instructions at the end of this blog.


To get a beautiful clear stock for your soup, you make a raft (which is today's prompt). You whisk egg whites, crumpled shells, and vinegar together and simmer in the stock. The egg proteins stick to the particles and impurities in the broth, forming a scummy disk called the raft. The raft floats to the top and is discarded, leaving you with a clear base for your soup!


Do you ever feel in need of a raft? Something to clear away all the unsightly bits and impurities? I know I have experienced times like that. 

Those are the times when you turn to Jesus. His word and His blood acts as a raft, drawing our sin up and away and leaving us with a clear conscience.


Hebrews 10:22 AMPC 

 Let us all come forward and draw near with true (honest and sincere) hearts in unqualified assurance and absolute conviction engendered by faith (by that leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness), having our hearts sprinkled and purified from a guilty (evil) conscience and our bodies cleansed with pure water.


Now with all that gunk gone, you can sit down at His table and feast with Him. Maybe there will be some of Grandma's noodles.


Grandma Veda's Noodles

While visiting my grandma one afternoon, we started talking about cooking and how she made some of my favorite dishes. When I asked her how she made noodles, her answer was, "It's easy. Just crack an egg and separate the whites from the yolk. Fill half the eggshell with Milnot**. Use enough yolks as you want to make noodles. Mix Milnot into yolks with a bit of salt and add flour until you can roll it out. Roll out and cut into noodles. That's it, you can cook them all or freeze them."


**Milnot is canned evaporated milk. Half an eggshell is about 1-1 1/2 tablespoons.


Do you have a favorite recipe from your grandma?



**This post is part of the #write28days Challenge, writing and posting EVERY DAY in February

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Thanks for clarifying – not sure if I just didn’t see it the first time (blame a lack of coffee!) or if you edited this, but in any case, it makes a lot more sense to me this afternoon. :)


I skim the broth, but have never made a raft! Never heard of such a thing, but now I may need to try it. I’m terrified I’d still have eggshells and a vinegary taste in the broth, once it’s done – but I still may give it a try. As for the noodles, really? No flour?? Just egg and evaporated milk? I usually just buy egg noodles – never really thought of making them from scratch. I may have to try this, now, too!


Cooking provides so many life lessons.

Hegreberg Barbara

Thank you for sharing your grandma’s kitchen secrets. I’m going to print it out for future use. Stay safe in the ice/snowstorm!

Lisa Blair

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