September One Word Journey

September One Word Journey

Each month I share highlights from My One Word Journal. My Word for the year is Intentional.

This month is the beginning of God's New Year.  The celebration starts with Rosh Hashana on September 15th and ends with The Feast of Tabernacles on October 6th. 

This is when I seek the Lord for what's coming next year.  There are new anointing, new assignments, and new inspirations for the upcoming year.  Then during the next three months, I declare and decree them so they are established, and I can walk into them intentionally.

“You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you, And the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways. Job 22:28 AMP


Highlights from my notes:

Intentional Peace

  • Turning 65 feels like an ending.  Don't panic, stay at peace.  Intentionally let go of fear and anxiety.
  • Ask where are my open doors that you want me to walk through. Then watch for them and intentionally walk through them.

 Walking through a new door requires courage.  Practice being courageous. Do the unexpected.  Try something new, drive a different route, and challenge yourself to be courageous in everyday things.  If I do this, when a new door opens for me, then I will have more confidence to walk through it.


14 [Growing in grace] they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap [of spiritual vitality] and [rich in the] verdure [of trust, love, and contentment].
15 [They are living memorials] to show that the Lord is upright and faithful to His promises; He is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. Psalm 92:14-15 AMPC


And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.  Romans 8:28 AMP

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.  John 16:13 NLT


 Now may God, the fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope  Romans 15:13 TPT


  • If you want to live your biggest life, you've got to be able to embrace fear, relabel it as excitement, and allow yourself to feel the rush. —Tonya Leigh 
  • Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows to which hope has opened. — Charles H. Spurgeon 
  • “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”― Sean Patrick Flanery 
  • "You're somewhere in the future, and you look much better than you look right now. ― Kim Clement 

Art Journaling Page:

 Art Journal Sept. WOTY


Action Plan:

Write the vision and make it clear upon tablets, so that the one who reads it may run.  Habakkuk 2:2

  • Heartstorming; What is my hearts desire for 2024?
  • Pray for Word of the Year for 2024
  • Review and adapt mission and vision statements for jodelights!



Personal Retreat time!


Discoveries along the way:
Rosh Hashanah 5784 / 2024
New door opening: Working with The Gourmet Cupboard

The Gourmet cupboard jodelights
Highlights & Review:
Birthdays: my 65th and jodelights 7th
We hosted a family get-together and shared our garden produce.

Sept. highlights WOTY
How is your One Word journey progressing? What surprises has God had for you this month?  Do you know what your word for 2024 will be?

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Thank you for this lovely blog. Reading your blog has helped me discover what my One Word for 2024 should be. How surprising! Although I’m not Jewish, the Jewish New Year is also a fresh start for me. I reflect, close chapters, and move forward. 🌟🤗


I love how you choose such tangible ideas to practice being intentional. “Practice being courageous. Do the unexpected. Try something new, drive a different route, and challenge yourself to be courageous in everyday things.” These are things I need to do too to practice Human! :)
Happy 65th Birthday!!!

Lisa notes

I like the word Intentional and all it implies. Think I will add it to the word/words that have been showing up in my studies and heart lately.
Seeds – (Planting new fields) – Seed of eternity growing in my soul – Luke 8:11-15, The seed is the word of God – John 15:1, My Father is the gardener.
October 5-12, have the pleasure to be on a Christian wellness retreat in Roundtop, TX. Good fellowship, food and exercise (hiking).
Thank you for being faithful to share your journals with us. The Lord uses you mighty dear sister in Christ. Hugs and blessing Donna from Texas (going on 65 in October)

Donna Williams

I have never gone on a solo retreat but have often thought that it would be a good experience. I may just carve out some time this fall to do so.

One Word #6

Barb Hegreberg

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